When loving hurt

When love dies, hopes gets crushed, desires hit rock bottom and  heart starts to bleed every time you look at the person..yet you cannot gather up enough strength to hate him, you know it’s a poison yet you cannot stop yourself from consuming it as the hope you once had, the love you once shared, the memories of that relation are still the thread that connects  you with the “Angel” inside you? The good memories still bring a smile on yr face every-time you think about it..the moment where you cry while smiling..the moment when your heart aches so bad as the person who said “would never hurt you..hurt you the most” . Few lines to share that thought :

हमने जो की थी मुहब्बत वोह आज भी है, इस दिल मेह हसरत आज भी है! हर लम्हा कत्था है तेरे ख्यालोह मैं, दीवानो सी वोह हालात आज भी हैं! उस दिल कोह आपना कह भी देते मगर इन बइमान आँखों मैं शराफत आज भी हैं! चाहे इस लम्हे को फिर छोड़ देना तू, दिल तोड़ जाने की इज़्ज़ज़त तुझे आज भी हैं! pisces-traits

Faces which never leave your mind!

How many times when you close your eyes few faces come immediately in front of your eyes? Some faces that never became part of your life but were most important during that phrase of your life, faces that hurt you so deep that you immediately open your eyes and get busy in something before negative clouds up your mind, faces that bring a smile as that was just one sided attraction which was never confessed and makes you wonder…how life would have been if I had confessed? Few lines on that thought..soul searching..

आज इस लम्हे में तुम्हारा ख्याल रुक- रुक कर आया, तुम खयालो में बस्ते थे, आज तुम्हारा तुस्सवर भी नज़र आया! तुम्हें भुला कर भी भुला न पाएं, इस दिल को समझा कर भी समझा न पाएं, आज फिर से उस दिल पर यह दिल आया!

Karen Kane Suede Skirt

Always pick clothing pieces which are versatile and will look fashionable year after year! This suede skirt fits the bill, I got this it from Nordstrom few months back and this looks good in summer as well as fall/ winter, depend on your creativity how you pair it..sandals for casual, pumps for office wear, heels for party wear and boots during winter!


Another attempt

A mind is capable of weaving many thoughts, connecting past with present and looking further at future…sifting through not so pleasant memories and nesting the memories you want to keep close to your heart..few lines on similar lines :

ज़िन्दगी कुछ इस तरह से बीती की तुम्हारी यादो से बिछड़ न पायी, तुम्हारी यादो में ये तन्हह ज़िन्दगी बिखरी सी थी, पर बिखर न पायी! तुम अब तो यादो के दरवाजो पर दस्तक देना छोड़ दो, कुछ सुन्हेरे लम्हे है, इन्हें में जी लू, कही एसह न हो, यह ज़िन्दगी हमे छोड़ दे पर यादो से मैं बिछड़ न पाऊँ!